Paul Kissel (Deland, FL) (Sovereign Immunity) obtained a Partial Summary Judgment limiting the potential recovery against client SP Plus for its contracted shuttle bus operation at the Orlando International Airport to $200,000.00 (including costs) which is the maximum per FS 768.28 for public entities. The Court found SP Plus was an agent of the Airport. Case law holds an agent of a public entity enjoys the same limitations of liability as does a governmental entity. Costs are part of the maximum. Fees are limited to 25% of the maximum, if recoverable, e.g., PFS. In this case, Plaintiff has $125,000.00 in medical expenses.
Case Details
- Plaintiff: Vaughn
- Defendant: SP Plus
- Office: DeLand, FL
- Date: 07/26/2024
- Case Type: Sovereign Immunity,